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Non-Standard Measurement in First Grade

I may not have 20 years of experience in first grade [yet], but in my year and a half, I have found a few things to be true: 1.  First graders love construction paper. 2.  First graders love to trace. 3.  First graders love manipulatives. Knowing these three things, I put together a super-simple and engaging lesson to introduce my students to the concept of measuring things using...
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The Behavior Management Tool That Saved my School Year

I hope everyone is having an awesome start to your school year!  I am super lucky to have a bunch of the sweetest firsties ever - they make me smile all day long!  With that being said, they are also a a bunch of the chattiest sweeties I have ever had! Despite all my best efforts of teaching routines and expectations, modeling, practicing, Dojo points - yadda yadda - they STILL...
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Managing Your Teacher Email Account

(You can also find this post on!) Does anyone else feel like their email inbox gets out of control during the school year? I feel like no matter what I do, I can't keep my inbox organized.  What if I miss an important email from a parent, or my administration... all because I had a bunch of other "stuff" flooding my inbox? I am happy to have found...
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Teacher Planner Stickers on Etsy

I am so excited to announce my newest creative venture - I have opened an Etsy shop... and it is chock full of fun stuff for teachers!  This post gives you the insider view of what is stocked in my shop and ready to help you plan and feed your obsessiveness with coordination.  This post also gives you the opportunity to score over $75 worth of goodies from and my...
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